Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love. Brene Brown
Self-care isn't selfish, it's essential. It is about making good choices and taking control of your life.
Self–care September is a time to remind ourselves that in order to be at our best for those we love and care for, first we must focus on taking care of ourselves.
With R U Ok Day just around the corner, this month we're encouraging everyone to be kinder to themselves as well as others, especially when things go wrong.
What is self-care?
Self-care refers to activities undertaken with the intention of enhancing energy, restoring health and reducing stress. There are many ways to do self-care and it is something that can be personalised. Self-care can also be about processing emotional reactions to life and doing things that we might find difficult, like asking for help.
Self-care knows no boundaries. It is something that everyone, without any exclusions, can benefit from practicing on a daily basis.
Why do we struggle with self-care?
Self-care is often neglected in our everyday lives.
We all tend to put others’ needs before our own and it is crucial to remember, that we cannot fill another’s cup from our own empty vessel.
True self-care is not self-centred nor selfish; it is simply keeping yourself the focus of your own life. It’s about paying attention to how you feel in each moment, communicating clearly, speaking up for yourself, and saying yes or no… guilt-free.
It is important to remember that asking for help is one of the most important ways to practice self-care.
Benefits of self-care
There are many benefits of taking the time to self-care. Even just a few minutes of self-care a day can:
- Increase physical health
- Improve emotional health
- Improve your relationships
- Provides some time away from stress and anxiety
- Offers some alone time and self-reflection
- Can help you reap the benefits of nature
How can I practice self-care?
Use the month of September to make self-care a part of your daily routine – practice being good to yourself. ... It can be as simple as a conscious breath in the morning or as luxurious as time away from everyday life pressures.
Here are some really simple ideas that you can do each day.
- Go for a walk
- Meditate for 10 minutes
- Pick some flowers from the garden
- Cook a healthy meal
- Drink more water each day
- Watch your favourite movie
- Practice yoga or light exercise
- Go for a walk in the local Community Garden
- Do some online shopping from your local nursery and garden.