Gloria recently had an ACAT assessment and was awarded a Level 4 Home Care Package through the Federal Government. When Gloria and her daughter Kathleen researched her Care Provider options, they found the process difficult and time consuming and couldn’t find a care provider who could meet all of Gloria’s needs. They eventually settled on a provider, however they weren’t receiving all the care services Gloria required.
After the Government launched Consumer Directed Care (CDC) on February 27, 2017 both Gloria and her daughter Kathleen knew there were changes and that they now could have choice and control over Gloria’s in-home care, however they were being told conflicting stories from their current Provider.
This case study will highlight the impact of dealing with the aged care industry before Consumer Directed Care was introduced and how Consumer Directed Care is now providing Australian’s with more choice and control over their in-home care.
The issues Gloria and her daughter Kathleen faced with in-home care before Consumer Directed Care.
After the initial difficulties and time consumed in trying to understand the system, and choosing a provider who could give Gloria a package, both Kathleen and Gloria found the schedule for delivering the services was being driven by the provider. They had very little visibility over Gloria’s package costs and were concerned that they were losing a significant amount of funds from their package to administration and management fees. Kathleen was also concerned about her role in her mother’s care plan. She was growing anxious about a turnover of carers turning up at her mother’s home each week, unsure of what they’d done and each time Kathleen tried to get an update from their provider, she had to phone a call centre number during office hours, which didn’t always fit with Kathleen’s work schedule.
Kathleen wanted to make changes to her mother’s current in-home care provider and the services she received.
“Mum’s 91 and has a Level 4 package plus a dementia supplement valued at $53,797 pa. She was receiving 11 hours of care per week. We switched to Five Good Friends, she now receives 20 hours/week! The extra care is life changing and the Help App makes it easy to schedule mum’s care, I can see when the Helpers are with her.“
Debunking CDC myths.
Kathleen became uncertain and worried when she approached her mother’s current Care Provider. She thought her mum was going to lose her package. They also told her Gloria would be charged a high exit fee if she moved before 27th February and was threatened she would lose her surplus funds.
The key facts and changes under Consumer Directed Care.
- Consumers now own their package, not the provider
- Consumers can change Provider without penalty
- All packages are 100% portable
- There are no changes to Package levels & assessments
- You cannot lose your package
- Funding and choice are only one part of the solution
Consumers now have more control and choice over who provides their in home care. If they are not happy with a service or provider, they can find another provider. They can negotiate administration fees with providers and have flexibility around how their care hours are spent.
Life with care delivered by Five Good Friends
Gloria has now switched to Five Good Friends who manage all her service needs through her membership. Everything from helping with weekly shopping, transport, companionship, to Doctor’s appointments and garden maintenance. Kathleen loves how she gets to be involved in selecting her mum’s Helper, Sally. With the Five Good Friends Help App Kathleen can see who is in the home with her mum and when. She can even see up to two weeks of her mum’s Help schedule. The App also gives her access to contact details of her Five Good Friends Helper and the Community Manager. This revolutionary technology keeps the family in touch, informed and in control.