Further to our last communication on Monday 16th March, following is our latest update on the action Five Good Friends is taking in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Reporting and monitoring
We continue to urge and strongly encourage reporting by anyone who:
- Has recently returned from areas of risk. Even if they are well. All travellers entering the country must now self isolate for fourteen (14) days.
- Has been in contact with someone who has a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. Even if they are well.
- Is showing signs of COVID-19 infection;
- fever
- flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and fatigue
- shortness of breath
We continue to manage our register of people who have reported any of the above. We are making welfare calls and ensuring we are kept up to date with their situation.
Safe work practices
We updated our Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for ongoing home care services to reflect the latest advice from the Department of Health.
We continue to communicate regularly with Helpers and Five Good Friends staff providing care and support services. We have advised of the updated SOP and on Thursday March 18th ran a Webinar for Helpers reinforcing safe practices. Regular communications will continue.
We have been using a key feature in the Five Good Friends App for Helpers, called Should Know’s and Must Do’s. This feature posts a message that must be read before checking in to a visit to ensure they are aware of and reminded of the communications we have sent including updates to the SOP.
For head office staff, we extended our work from home period until April 3rd and will continue to monitor this situation. As a modern, technology enabled care provider we are prepared to manage and run the organisation with a remote team.
Helper capacity and coverage
We are increasing resources in our Workforce team to support recruitment and build covering capacity for Helpers who may become ill and/or are required to isolate.
Personal and Protective Equipment
As outlined in our last update we are continuing to do our best to secure Personal Protective Equipment (masks, gloves, aprons etc). We have contacted senior representatives in the Commonwealth Department of Health and the Queensland State Government Department of Health for advice on how to access the National Medical Stockpile. At the same time we redoubled our efforts to secure Personal Protective Equipment from other channels. On Monday March 23rd we took delivery of 2000 additional masks. We have secured another 15,000 masks which will begin to be arrive in staggered deliveries in 2 weeks time. In addition we have secured 500 bottles of hand sanitizer and 12,000 gloves. These items will be distributed to Helpers and Five Good Friends staff over the coming weeks and prioritised in line with our Standard Operating Procedure.
Changes to visits.
In our communications with Five Good Friends Helpers we are encouraging them to take all precautions including cancelling visits if they are concerned about their health or if they fall into any of the Department of Health isolation and risk categories. If a visit is changed at short notice as result of such precautions we would be grateful for your understanding.
If you are concerned about receiving visits and would like to make changes to your schedule, please talk with your Helpers who can make changes directly in the Five Good Friends App. If you would like to discuss changes and seek advice, please call your Five Good Friends Care Manager whose details are in the App or our Member Services team on 1300 787 581 Option 1.
Our Care Teams are working extremely hard and diligently to manage changes to visit schedules and ensure essential services can continue.
If you or a loved one show signs or develop symptoms of COVID-19;
- fever
- flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and fatigue
- shortness of breath
seek medical advice and isolate yourself. Please also contact our Member Services Team on 1300 787 581 Option 1 so we can work together on any potential impact to your support and services.
If you have serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing, call 000 for urgent medical help.
National Coronavirus Helpline
Call this line if you are seeking information on coronavirus (COVID-19). The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 1800 020 080.
Looking after your mental health and wellbeing
A situation like the COVID-19 outbreak will naturally cause concern and worry. Support is available through the Commonwealth Government's Head to Health website. Visit the Head to Health website for:
- links to mental health online and phone support
- resources and services that can help if you’re experiencing mental health concerns or trying to support someone else.
Please also let Five Good Friends know of any concerns or challenges you are having by contacting your Care Manager or our members Services Team on 1300 787 581 Option 1.
We will continue to keep you informed and are committed to working very hard at this most important time to support and serve our Members, their families, Five Good Friends Helpers and staff as safely as possible.
Kind regards,
William Garton Head of Quality and Program Development Five Good Friends