Following our communication earlier this week about the changes in restrictions in key locations in Victoria, the Five Good Friends Coronavirus Response Team has reviewed our approach to remaining vigilant to COVID-19.
Our priority remains to continue delivering care and services to Members in a safe manner.
Standard Operating Procedure
The Five Good Friends Standard Operating Procedure for ongoing home care services has been updated based on advice from the Commonwealth Department of Health, the Victoria State Government, and to include our guidelines for providing services in specific lockdown locations. You can access and download a copy here.
Specifically the updates are:
- The inclusion of applying Contactless and Reduced Contact Protocols in all scenarios.
- A new Signs of COVID-19 section has been added.
- Scenario 2 has been updated with the addition of Scenario 2B to capture directions for Helpers living in and/or providing services in suburbs/areas in lockdown.
If you live in a lockdown location
Five Good Friends workers are still able to continue care and services to you in line with the Standard Operating Procedure. To view the current lockdown locations visit the Victoria Department of Health Restrictions page. If you have any questions about your services please contact our Member Services Team on 1300 787 581 Option 1.
Remaining vigilant with symptoms
The Department of Health advise symptoms of COVID-19 can range from mild illness to pneumonia. Some people will recover easily, and others may get very sick very quickly. People with coronavirus may experience symptoms such as:
- fever
- respiratory symptoms - coughing, sore throat, or shortness of breath.
Other symptoms can include runny nose, headache, muscle or joint pains, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, loss of sense of smell, altered sense of taste, or loss of appetite and fatigue.
COVID-19 testing
Australia's uniform testing regime is for anyone displaying signs and/or symptoms of COVID-19. To arrange testing contact your GP or you can visit a COVID-19 testing clinic in your area. Please advise us if you are going to be tested. To find a COVID-19 clinic in your area, visit:
ACT covid19.act.gov.au QLD covid19.qld.gov.au NT coronavirus.nt.gov.au NSW nsw.gov.au/covid-19 SA covid-19.sa.gov.au Tas coronavirus.tas.gov.au Vic dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus
New Department of Health resources
The Department of Health have released two new resources to support members of the community we have provided below for you:
- Living well in the COVID-19 pandemic - this fact sheet gives you a range of information to consider to keep yourself safe each day.
- Coronavirus action plan- this printable action plan allows you to capture a range of actions in a plan to help stay safe.
Please use these tools if you feel they can assist you or your loved ones during this time. Please also discuss it with your Helper if you feel they can assist you with your plan.
Once again, thank you for choosing Five Good Friends to provide your support and care. We are honoured and will continue to work hard to provide you with a safe and kind service.
Thank you,
William Garton Head of Quality and Programme Development Five Good Friends