Following the decision by the Victorian State Government to place Melbourne and several towns north of the city into lockdown we are writing to all our Members and Helpers to remind everyone of the importance of remaining vigilant in our approach to COVID-19.
Our priority has always been the safety and wellbeing of our Members, Helpers and Five Good Friends staff. While restrictions in some states ease it is vital we all continue to follow the key principles of excellent hygiene (including hand washing and cough etiquette), social distancing and use of Personal Protective Equipment where appropriate and required. The Five Good Friends Standard Operating Procedure for ongoing home care services remains in use and has been reinforced through recent communication to all Helpers and Five Good Friends staff. Our Coronavirus Response Team is reviewing the Standard Operating Procedure in light of today's developments.
If you live in a lockdown location
Our aim is to ensure our Members continue to receive the help and support they require in a safe manner. If you reside in one of the locations currently in lockdown and have any questions regarding your visits please contact the Members Services Team on 1300 787 581 Option 1.
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is now readily available in the community. Five Good Friends have stores of PPE which we are directing Helpers and Five Good Friends staff to use in accordance with the Department of Health guidelines.
COVID-19 testing
We continue to encourage all Members, Helpers and Five Good Friends team members to monitor their health and report if they are showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19. If you are concerned please contact our Member Services Team on 1300 787 581 Option 1.
Australia's uniform testing regime is for anyone displaying signs and/or symptoms of COVID-19. This means that anybody with acute respiratory symptoms e.g -cough, sore throat, runny nose, cold symptoms and flu-like symptoms, can get tested.
To arrange testing contact your GP or you can visit a COVID-19 testing clinic in your area. Please advise us if you are going to be tested. To find a COVID-19 clinic in your area, visit:
- ACT covid19.act.gov.au
- QLD covid19.qld.gov.au
- NT coronavirus.nt.gov.au
- NSW nsw.gov.au/covid-19
- SA covid-19.sa.gov.au
- Tas coronavirus.tas.gov.au
- Vic dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus
COVID-19 Hotline for older Australians
A COVID-19 hotline to help older Australians get the critical information they need to stay healthy and safe is available. Council on the Ageing (COTA) Australia, National Seniors Australia, Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) and Dementia Australia have collaborated, supported by the Commonwealth Government, to create the National COVID Older Persons Information Line. Older people and carers are encouraged to call 1800 171 866 to speak to friendly, specially trained staff.
Disability Information Helpline
The Disability Information Helpline is for people with disability, their families and carers who need help because of coronavirus (COVID-19). The Helpline is free, private and fact-checked. You can contact the Helpline in the following ways:
Phone (free call): 1800 643 787
If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can also call the National Relay Service on 133 677.
More information can be found here.
Contactless and Reduced Contact Services
We have continued to communicate with all Helpers reminding them of the important protocols and procedures we have in place to ensure the safe delivery of services. We also have services designed to address specific situations and provide additional support and peace of mind. These include:
- Contactless shopping and delivery
- Wellbeing Check ins
- Telehelp - assisted telehealth visits
How do I access the new services?
Please contact your Care Manager. Details are in the Five Good Friends App or contact our Member Services Team on 1300 787 581 Option 1. Our skilled and caring team will talk to you about your needs. They may also want to discuss other aspects of your Help Plan. There is no need to make changes to your current services unless you would prefer.
Health support available to Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Commonwealth Department of Health have developed a resource to help people stay healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak. You can find this information here.
Improved oversight with LOOKOUT Remote Care Intelligence.
Importantly, services and visits by your Helpers are monitored by our Remote Care Intelligence Platform LOOKOUT. Every time a Five Good Friends Helper completes a visit they are prompted to leave secure notes in the Five Good Friends App about any changes or observations they think your Five Good Friends Care Team should know about. These notes are analysed by our LOOKOUT technology for signs of emerging risk or changes in health and wellbeing. They are brought to the attention of your Care Manager in real time. The combination of technology, matched Helpers and skilled health professionals overseeing your care is unique to Five Good Friends. It allows us to provide improved oversight and proactive response even at times when we are being asked to isolate and practice social distancing. With LOOKOUT Remote Care Intelligence you can feel even more assured that your health and wellbeing is continuing to be monitored.
Thank you for choosing Five Good Friends to provide your support and care. We are honoured and will continue to work hard to provide you with a safe and kind service.
Thank you,
William Garton Head of Quality and Programme Development Five Good Friends