Further to our last communication on Tuesday 24th March, following is our latest update on the action Five Good Friends is taking in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
As you will be aware, on Sunday evening the Prime Minister announced National Cabinet’s strong advice for self-isolation at home to the maximum extent practicable for Australians:
- over 70 years of age;
- over 60 years of age who have existing health conditions or comorbidities;
- indigenous Australians over the age of 50 who have existing health conditions or comorbidities.
We are committed to maintaining our members visits and services while protecting our helpers.
Five Good Friends are committed to providing our Members and their families with ongoing services, help and support. We will do this in a manner that is safe and follows the Commonwealth Department of Health advice. As part of this approach, we continue to urge all Helpers to be vigilant in following all recommended hygiene, social distancing, reporting and monitoring practices. This is the first step to ensuring our skilled and generous Helpers remain well and are able to continue to provide help and support. In addition, we understand the desire to reduce and minimise contacts. As such we are introducing 'zero contact' services that are designed to provide our Members with continued access to essential aspects of daily living (eg shopping and medications) and ongoing oversight. We will update you on how to access these services shortly.
Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
In our communications we have been keeping you up to date with our approach to sourcing and managing the use of PPE, e.g. - gloves, masks, goggles, and aprons. Our use of these important resources has been in line with Commonwealth Department of Health (DoH) recommendations. This advice identifies PPE should be used when working with confirmed or suspected cases of coronavirus. We have applied this strictly to our Standard Operating Procedure which guides our response during this time.
We have been urging the reporting of signs and symptoms associated with COVID-19 infection. This has been diligently managed by members of our Coronavirus Response Team. To date we have not had a confirmed case. We have successfully implemented use of PPE where symptoms have been present while awaiting the outcome of testing or clearance from a medical professional.
There is a well documented shortage of PPE. We are continuing to work very hard to secure stock and make it available to our Helpers and Five Good Friends team members. At this time we must continue to prioritise our initial stocks of PPE, which includes 7,500 masks, in scenarios of suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in line with DoH advice. Our Standard Operating Procedure along with copies of previous communications are available here.
Preference for use of PPE beyond the current guidelines
We understand that you may have a preference for Helpers to use PPE beyond the current guidelines. We want to support you with your concerns during this time. Following are some options as to how we can change the way certain services are delivered:
- Being in different rooms while a Helper is providing a service.
- A Helper undertaking shopping on your behalf as opposed to you attending together.
- Utilising zero contact services which we will be writing to you about shortly.
- If you have your own PPE, which some members have secured, and would like Helpers to use, please do so.
If you would like to discuss any of these options with your Care Manager or our Members Services Team please call us on 1300 787 581 Option 1 and we will add this information to your Care Plan.
Changes to visits
If you would like to make changes to your schedule, please talk with your Helpers who can make changes directly in the Five Good Friends App. If you would like to discuss changes and seek advice, please call your Five Good Friends Care Manager whose details are in the App or our Member Services team on 1300 787 581 Option 1.
Financial support for Helpers
We have been contacted by Members expressing concern for the financial wellbeing of their Helpers. This has been at the forefront of Five Good Friends planning and response. We are addressing this in three ways: Urging Helpers to be vigilant in following all recommended hygiene, social distancing, reporting and monitoring practices so they remain well and are able to continue to provide help Promoting 'Zero Contact' services that provide new opportunities for Helpers and fulfilling this important Member need.
Accessing Government financial support initiatives. Importantly, on Monday the Prime Minister announced the Job Keeper payment. Eligible employers and sole traders will be entitled to a flat payment of $1500 per fortnight per employee for up to 6 months. We are sharing this and other information with Five Good Friends Helpers to help ensure they access the support that is available to them.
Flu vaccinations
Flu vaccinations
Flu vaccinations are strongly encouraged. They have been made mandatory for all residential aged care workers before May 1st. We have been advised that flu vaccines are in high demand and in some cases are on back order. Five Good Friends are offering all Helpers free flu vaccinations through our partner Sigma Pharmaceuticals, who own the Pharmacy brands Amcal, Guardian, Chemist King and Discount Drug Store. You should have received your voucher by email on March 16. If you are a Helper, visit this Helper Hub article and Book your Flu Vaccination.
Maintaining emotional wellbeing
A situation like the COVID-19 outbreak will naturally cause concern and worry. Support is available through the Commonwealth Government's Head to Health website. Visit the Head to Health website for:
- links to mental health online and phone support
- resources and services that can help if you’re experiencing mental health concerns or trying to support someone else.
We will continue to keep you informed and are committed to working very hard at this most important time to support and serve our Members, their families, Five Good Friends Helpers and staff as safely as possible.
Additional resources
Following are educational resources the Commonwealth Department of Health have provided.
- COVID-19 - Online Infection Control training - https://www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/covid-19-infection-control-training
- Hand Hygiene video (30 seconds) - https://www.health.gov.au/resources/videos/coronavirus-video-good-hygiene-starts-here
- Personal Protective Equipment - https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/safe-use-dvd-transcript
Kind regards,
William Garton Head of Quality and Program Development Five Good Friends